Our Mission
We exist to empower entire communities. To do this, we work alongside local organisations, leaders and individuals, and form partnerships with amazing people around the world who can bring expertise and resource. We do this because we believe that together we have all the skills and resources needed to build a fairer world.
Empowerment means the freedom to pursue our unique and wonderful potential.
What we achieved last year
We provided water for 15,000 people
We provided hundreds of reusable sanitary packs (and trained women to produce more). A simple solution to making school accessible to girls
We built latrines and provided WaSH training for hundreds of families
We helped teachers access basic training - improving education for hundreds of students for years to come
Our scholarship programme supported many students on their way through secondary school and into higher education or full-time employment
We ran holiday programmes that provide young people with essential life skills
We funded a library and literacy programmes
We helped fund new school buildings
We worked with schools to create sustainable operational models

We run a variety of projects depending on needs and opportunities of the communities we partner with. Here are just a sample of some of what we have been involved in.
Our ultimate goal is to tackle the causes of poverty in a sustainable way rather than simply relieving its symptoms. Equally, we want to ensure that poverty is not a deciding factor in a child’s future.
Our job is to uncap the potential that exists in Gituamba; that is how a lasting difference will be made. A good education does just that and allows young people to become what only they can imagine.
Teacher training
Many of teachers we work with have little or no formal training, feel ill-equipped and have little confidence in teaching. They are some of the most generous people we’ve meet, often working without pay and free using their own resources to help the next generation.
By helping teachers to develop their pedagogy skills, we can have a huge effect on their confidence and the quality of education the students receive. We have also seen that parents are more likely to pay, even a small amount, for their child to attend better equipped schools. So by training the teacher, we also help make the schools more financially viable.
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
The lack of clean water is responsible more deaths than all the violent conflicts combined. It is also responsible for children missing out on education and precious funds are often needed to buy packaged water, rather than invested in education our food.
We have worked with the community of Cotton Tree to provide two clean water pumps - changing everything. As a result the community has more money to invest in other necessities, more children are at school and even the local economy is growing as entrepreneurs take advantage of increased footfall.
Football League
Football is played all around the world but never is it just a game. It can invoke pride, passion and patriotism. In Gituamba it inspires hope. We have previously fun a football league that attracted over 300 boys and girls. More than a game, this was an opportunity to engage with young people and input into their lives. We used the platform to discuss issues such as gang culture, HIV and AIDS and to develop young leaders.

Community Empowerment
We are motivated by our passion to empower communities and individuals. Empowerment means that people have the opportunity and means to choose their own path and are free to explore their unique potential.
Even today, millions of children are denied the opportunity to go to school to receive a foundational education. Millions more have no access to clean water or proper sanitation. But together, we can do something about this. Through working with communities to identify and respond to the challenges they face, and the opportunities that exist to do things better, we will empower. We will bring freedom.
Community Partnerships
Community partnerships are central to all that we do. We work closely with local people and organisations who are able to identify opportunities and take leading roles in both the development and delivery of programmes. Their involvement is critical to empowerment and provides a practical and strategic advantage. Practically, they have an unparalleled understanding of local issues and existing relationships with tradespeople and authorities. Strategically, local ownership is the most effective way to ensure the sustainability and longevity of any programme and is the assurance of empowerment.
We also develop partnerships with international people and organisations who are able to bring their unique skills and resource to facilitate our work. As a global community we share all of the skills and resources required to bring the empowerment that we must, we just need to work towards a fairer distribution.
Find out more about the communities we're working with and how you can get involved.